2020-2021: Charlemagne and Covid

Due to the Covid outbreak, Charlemagne Wine Club tastings were suspended through 2020 and most of 2021.

The club restarted tasting in September 2021, with a talk by one of the Club’s regular speakers, Wink Lorch.

The Club operated under strict protocols due to the uncertainty that Covid brought:

With the imminent resumption of Charlemagne Wine Club tastings and the continued risk from Covid-19 there will be certain precautions which we will need to observe in the way we do things.
If you have been categorised as Extremely Vulnerable by Public Health England you are advised not to attend tastings.
If you have been categorised as Vulnerable you are asked to carefully consider whether you wish to come.

Please be aware that the stairs to the upstairs meeting room constitute a potential high risk area where close physical contact may be likely. We will endeavour to arrange seating to allow a wide passageway for the hotel guests to access their rooms through our meeting room.
If you have symptoms of Covid-19 or have been advised to self-isolate in m the previous 7 days we request that you do not attend.
We would ask that you supply a contact phone number and the names of all of the people you’re booking for when you apply for a place. This is for Track and Trace purposes.
If you are wanting to sit close, but distanced, to other friends at the tasting, please advise us beforehand so that we can organise the seating plan.
Meetings will be limited to a maximum of 18 participants, including our presenter, to allow for appropriate Social Distancing.
We will send out Tasting sheets before the meeting, so members can print them out before they come. Don’t forget to bring a pen.
On arrival, we would ask members to go straight to their seats and to wear masks until seated, unless you are exempt.
Please bring your own tasting glasses as we will not be providing loan glasses. We do not have the facility to wash them on site.
We will not be providing spitoons and recommend that you bring your own sealable container for that purpose.
We recommend that you bring your own bottled water and biscuits until we can figure out a safe, practical means of doing so.

Details on attending CWC tastings can be found on our About CWC wine tastings page.

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