Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is for this website – . It governs the privacy of all users who choose to use it. It explains how we comply with the various data protection laws.
Our contact information is provided in the footer of the site if you have any questions.

Use of Web Cookies

Web cookies (also known as HTTP cookies, or just cookies) are small files saved to your computer hard drive that track, save and store information about your interactions and usage of the site.
We do not use cookies on this website. However, some of the websites to which we provide external links may use cookies. This site has no access to, or control of third parties’ web cookies

Website Visitor Tracking

This website uses tracking software provided by Google Analytics to monitor our visitors in order to better understand how you use it. The software may save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information.
This site uses only the default settings provided in the standard installation of Google Analytics. This allows details of the page you visited, including its URL and title, and information about the browser you used, such as its name, viewport size, screen resolution and the language in which it operates. Details of your location are included – this is determined by the IP address you’re visiting from, but at no point is your actual IP address made available as that is personally identifiable information that violates Google Analytics’ privacy terms.
More information about Google Analytics’ privacy policy and how they safeguard your data is available on their website.

Adverts and Sponsored Links

This website does not contain any sponsored links or adverts.

Downloads and Media Files

Any downloadable documents, files or media made available on this website are provided to you at your own risk. While all reasonable precautions have been undertaken to ensure that only genuine downloads are available, you are advised to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications.
We accept no responsibility for third party downloads and downloads provided by external third party websites and advise you to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications.

External Website Links and Third Parties

This website contains links to other websites. We cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website, despite our best efforts. Although we only look to include quality, safe and relevant external links, you are advised to adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites. You are encouraged, when you leave this website, to read the privacy policy (or privacy statement) of each and every website you visit, as this particular privacy policy applies solely to this particular website.
You should therefore note that you click on external links at your own risk. We cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Embedded Content from Other Websites

Content on some websites may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc) from other websites. Embedded content behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the originating website, including collecting data about you, using cookies and additional third-party tracking.
There is no known embedded content on this website.

Email Mailing List and Marketing Messages

We do not operate any mailing list program via this website.
We will not provide any of your details to third party marketing organizations.
We will not collect any sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.

Contact and Communication with Us

This site uses a contact form. If you contact us through our website Contact Form, you do so at your own discretion. Any personal details we request are provided at your own risk.
No messages received via the form will remain on its server, and no personal information that you provide in the contact form remains on the site. This site does not have features enabling users to leave any user comments.

Your Rights Over Your Data

This website does not provide features to permit you leave any data on the site. Any communication to us via this site is not retained on the site, as described in section Contact Forms. This does not include any data that the site is obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
If you have any questions about personal data you believe we may hold or suggestions regarding the CWC privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.

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